Welcome to Nico's PHP Tic Tac Toe game.
A new game as started. Since I am the game host, I'll let you start first.
Click on a dash to mark that territory with an X flag!
Psst - if you want to change the game board size, click on one of the button(s) below:
These button(s) are only available during a new game (before any boxes are marked).It's not challenging enough - INCREASE the game board size (to 5x5)!Out of
5472 completed games for board size
Total Player (X) Wins:
3839 ( 70.1571637426900593936807126738131046295166015625% )
Total AI (O) Wins / Player Defeats:
1585 ( 28.9656432748538037458274629898369312286376953125% )
Total Game Ties:
48 ( 0.87719298245614030218320067433523945510387420654296875% )